

The Critical Need for Your Support

Embrace the spirit of giving and unlock blessings by ensuring economic justice, alleviating poverty, and fostering social harmony through your Zakat contributions.

Zakat Al-Fitr

In a world where suffering and need are prevalent, Zakat emerges as a powerful tool to alleviate the burdens faced by the less fortunate. The scale of poverty, hunger, displacement, and various crises is immense, leaving countless individuals and communities in desperate circumstances.

How Your Donation Makes a Difference

By channelling our Zakat towards meaningful initiatives, we can make a significant difference in the lives of the most vulnerable through different humanitarian aid projects including food security and livelihood, education, protection, health and nutrition, water, sanitation, and hygiene.

Make a Lasting Impact

Help Us


How Do Donations Make a Difference?

Your donation directly contributes to the education and well-being of children in need. Your contribution will support the initiatives mentioned above.

How Can I Donate?

You can donate to İnsanca Yardım Vakfı through money transfer using your bank applications or online at our website.

Which country do your donations go to?

Your donations will be distributed mainly to students in Türkiye.